Think of waking up one morning and you feel puffed up and looking pregnant. You attempt to do whatever you planned to do for the day, but the gnawing feeling in your belly does not allow you. Eating is an uncertain affair, and anxiety interferes with everything else in life. This is a usual picture for a number of individuals suffering from constipation.
To most people, constipation is just an irritation but in the real sense, it is a major life-altering condition. It is a condition whereby one struggles to defecate, has a hard time doing so, and often does so very rarely. Some might experience not having a bowel movement for days, while others suffer through each bowel movement and experience a burning sensation.
In Australia, about 40% of people suffer from constipation, the severity of which can vary. It can cause physical ailment, emotional strain, and social shame. Common factors that are associated with constipation include eating habits, patterns of physical activity, and disease. It becomes very important to understand these causes in order to be able to control and prevent them.
Therefore, in this blog, we will explain everything you need to know about constipation including the symptoms, the cause, and the best constipation cure. We will also discuss how Squatty Potty Australia can help you achieve your best bowel movement ever.
There are ways and means to reduce the discomfort resulting from constipation and improve digestion in general. It’s time to start this journey to get a better grasp of constipation and how it can be prevented and eliminated from our lives.
Constipation Symptoms
Commonly, constipation is described to be passing less than three bowel movements in a week. However, Constipation symptoms can vary widely among individuals and may include:
Hard, dry, or lumpy stools: Some of the Constipation symptoms include passing stools that are hard, dry, or those that are formed and small or lumpy. These stools can be hard and may be painful to pass.
Difficulty or pain when passing stools: Researchers also point out that most people suffering from constipation apply pressure while defecating or feel a burning sensation. This can be a result of the hardness of the stool or the fact that one has to strain a lot to pass it.
A feeling that not all stool has passed: In constipation, people still have the feeling that they have not defecated sufficiently even after defecating. This sensation can result in several visits to the washroom without finding any relief.
Bloating and abdominal discomfort: Gaseous distension, that is, the accumulation of gas and fecal material within the colon, is a common complaint in persons who are constipated because it results in bloating and fullness in the stomach together with general discomfort. This can be particularly annoying and disrupt one’s routine.
Lifestyle and Dietary Causes
Several lifestyle and dietary factors can contribute to the development of constipation:
Low Fiber Diet: Low fiber diets tend to cause constipation and include foods with high content of meats, dairy products, and processed foods. Fiber is used to increase the volume of the stool and ensure that one has bowel movement. If the body is deprived of enough fiber, then the stools can become difficult to pass.
Dehydration: If a person does not take enough water, then the stool formed is dry and could be a bit hard when passing. It assists in making the stool soft and facilitates easy passage through the colon. Dehydration makes the process slower, thus causing constipation.
Lack of Exercise: Lack of physical activity may cause delays in the digestive system. It is also stated that exercise aids in the promotion of intestinal motility, which moves fecal matter within the colon. Sitting for most of the time may also lead to decreased bowel movement and constipation.
Ignoring the Urge: Lack of bowel movement can result in having to strain when passing stools and the stool being difficult to pass. In case the feeling of defecation is suppressed, the feces will become dry and compact due to the long time it takes in the large intestine.
Constipation Cure
Treating constipation usually involves the use of multiple methods which include; a change of lifestyle, changes in diet as well as medication. Here are some strategies to help alleviate and prevent constipation:
- Increase Fiber Intake:- The best way to avoid constipation is through taking fiber-rich foods and ensuring you take a lot of water. Fiber creates some sort of volume in the stool allowing it to pass through the intestine without much strain.
The recommended fiber sources include fruits including apples, pears, and berries, vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and greens, whole grains like oats, brown rice, and whole wheat bread, and legumes like beans, lentils, and chickpeas.
This means that the raw food should be taken gradually in order to reduce the production of gases and bloating.
- Stay Hydrated:- It is very important to drink water in order to have proper bowel movements. It facilitates the easing of bowel movements since taking water makes the faeces soft.
Try to consume at least 2 litres of water daily and even more, if you engage in any physical activity or live in hot weather. Water is not the only liquid that counts toward daily hydration; herbal teas and clear broths also count.
People should minimize taking products with caffeine or alcohol since they tend to drain the body fluids.
- Exercise Regularly:- Depression can inhibit the contractions of the intestines, thus exercising can encourage movement of the colon and the stool. Adults should strive to spend at least thirty minutes exercising at moderate intensity most of the time.
It is more appropriate to perform certain physical exercises including walking, jogging, swimming, as well as yoga. Besides, exercise aids in bowel movement, and since stress is one of the causes of constipation, exercise can be of benefit.
- Over-the-Counter Remedies:- In the short term there are remedies that one can take from the counter; they include laxatives and stool softeners. Laxatives can be classified as bulk-forming, osmotic, stimulant, and saline.
These are good products to be used but should not be taken for a long time, as they cause dependency and other unfortunate circumstances. It is crucial to seek medical advice before using any medicine.
How Toilet Stools Improve Bowel Movements
Squatty Potty Australia toilet stools help a lot in bowel movement and should be embraced by everyone. These stools enable your body to align in a natural squatting position which increases the rectum’s alignment thus making it easy to pass stools.
Plastic vs. Non-Plastic Stools
When choosing a toilet stool, consider the material:
Plastic Stools: Nonetheless, a material that is lightweight, affordable, and easy to clean.
Non-Plastic Stools: These are more environment-friendly and long-lasting and may be made of wood or bamboo.
Essential Accessories for the Bathrooms
Enhancing your bathroom setup can also aid in relieving constipation:
Toilet Stools: Critically important to helping people achieve proper positioning while defecating.
Bidets: To try and keep hygiene and tidiness in check.
Storage Solutions: Do not let your bathroom become a stressful place.
Natural Remedies for Treating Constipation
Here are some natural remedies to help relieve constipation:
Drink More Water: Staying hydrated is key.
Eat Fiber-Rich Foods: It is wise to take a balanced diet that is made up of many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Exercise: Practical physical activity may also help in maintaining a proper digestive tract.
Use a Toilet Stool: Bowel movements should be easier when you work on improving your posture.
Also Read:- The Importance of a Foot Stool for Toilet Use
Conclusion: A Guide to Getting in the Habit of No More Constipation
Yes, constipation can be a tough nut to crack but it is not impossible to treat or prevent once you know what to do and what not to do. Consume more fiber, drink water, exercise, and try using the Squatty Potty Australia toilet stool to enhance your stools. If you make these changes, you will develop a healthy pattern that will prevent constipation and improve your health.
The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only. We do not offer medical advice under any circumstances. A medical professional must be consulted for any advice, diagnosis, or treatment of health-related issues. Reliance on any information provided is solely at your own risk. The author will not be held responsible for any misuse of this information. No guarantees are made either expressed or implied. If you need clarification on any information presented here, please seek medical advice before using any suggested product.
Q:- What is the best thing for constipation?
Ans. Increasing dietary fiber intake, staying hydrated, and regular exercise are the best remedies for constipation.
Q:- What simple trick empties your bowels?
Ans. Drinking a glass of prune juice or warm senna tea can quickly stimulate bowel movements.
Q:- Why am I getting constipated?
Ans. Common causes include a low-fiber diet, dehydration, lack of exercise, and ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement.
Q:- How can constipation be cured?
Ans. Constipation can be cured by increasing fiber intake, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, and using over-the-counter laxatives if necessary.
Q:- Are bananas good for constipation?
Ans. Yes, ripe bananas are high in fiber and can help relieve constipation. However, unripe bananas may have the opposite effect.